Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I must admit, the prospect of a revived group blog greatly excites me. I have a certain fondness for them, even if they can sometimes be little more than dark and foul passageways for our politically incorrect ideas to scurry through and thrive. Having an audience you can be completely unrestrained with has been satisfying, ever since my forays with a certain fellow philosophe at Grainger.
I must also confess that my writing is not as sharp as it once was: two years of only writing last-minute essays on mundane drivel was enough to do in my muse. Hopefully by applying myself to create more gay baby episodes new and fascinating short short stories I can bring her back.

Another thing that recently came to mind (see "Ready to Rock'n'Pre-Enroll," "Valedictorian of the Year" from HB): I find that I am still not over my graduation speech. I had a chance there and I think I really squandered it. Recently my mom approached me with the task of somehow getting the video of the entire ceremony to my grandparents (who don't speak english, so I'm not sure what they would think), and I popped the dvd in. I couldn't bring myself to watch my own speech. The video segment was fun to watch again, but every time I imagine the time I spent up at that podium I cringe. What was I thinking? Even with the encouragement I received from my peers I didn't even bring something halfway congratulatory or critical together. It was injected with a false sentimentalism that reeked of self-doubt. And to think, when I was called up, applause erupted from the front rows.

It sounds like I'm clinging onto something really old and forgotten, I know. It's just unsettling. I know we've taken shots at Henry's, spelling bee yada yada... I wonder what's been said about mine outside of our circle. The fact that I need wonder at all reinforces most of the things I should have been talking about, but I digress. Did people just let that shit slide? I know Mr. Rayburn basically made up for it, but honestly. I feel as if in your shoes I would have at least dealt me some criticism for it, even if I wasn't in the Posse. Are they all that polite, so as to conceal their disdain?

I'm cutting that shit right there. I've said too much about it already. Long segment short, it's another reason I'd like our blogging tradition to stay alive.

All that said, I don't have any good ideas for a name. "Horse Bordello 2: The Final Black Stallion Chapter" briefly came to mind, but it passed. I'm not sure derivatives of our previous handle would pass muster.

How about "Horse Bordello: Equine Hostel-ities?"


Lee the Agent said...

Man as somebody whose body is roughly 74% regrets I feel for you. I've talked to people who feel that senior year was their peak, and I feel like I'm one of them. It's profoundly discouraging.

Ataraxis said...

I can't believe you're still dwelling on that man. Although I'm not one to talk, you really should move one. Graduation is one of the least memorable memories that I have of that year. I imagine it as one of those sinking stones on a lake at a water park that you briefly stepped on as you ran to the other side. Even at the time I was only waiting for the ceremony to conclude so we could move on to bigger better things.

MYW said...

i was disappointed at the speech at the time, but i dont know what i would have done in his place.